Creating a PDF document

Use Expert PDF to easily create PDFs from your Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents

Our ultra-easy step-by-step guide to creating a PDF document:

Start by launching Expert PDF and click on the Convert to PDF button.


Select the file you want to convert to PDF from your system. Next, click Open to get started with converting your Word document into PDF.


Give your new PDF file a name and save it wherever you like. You can also share it directly via email from the application.


You can also convert a PDF to Word.

Convert from PDF to Word >

Creating a PDF form

Expert PDF 14 lets you create fillable PDF forms for free. Your form can be modified based on an existing form in Word, Excel, or unsecure email format.

Our software gives you the option of adding different input fields, such as radio buttons, text fields, check boxes, combo boxes, drop-down lists, and more.

You can also create a PDF fillable form using a brand-new, empty PDF file. To make page layout and form design even easier, we recommend starting with a word processing programme such as Word.

How to make a PDF fillable form using Expert PDF :

Go to the Forms tab in Expert PDF and click on Browse


In the dialogue box, select the document you want to edit to create a PDF form from any format you like.


To add a data entry field to your PDF form, click on the tool you want to insert from the Form Field group on the Forms tab and then click on the document to position the field.


To change the size of a data entry field, click on your keyboard’s Esc key. Three buttons will then appear on the navigation ribbon. Select Edit and then click on the data entry field to set its size.


Once your form is complete, select Save as from the main menu, choose a name and location for the PDF form, and click on Save.


You can change the properties of any form field by right-clicking on the field and then clicking on the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

Creating a PDF from multiple image

Wondering how to create a PDF from images in PNG or JPG format? Our Expert PDF software gets the job done in a matter of clicks.

How to create a PDF from multiple images :

Open Expert PDF and click on the Merge files to PDF button.


The Merge files to PDF window will appear. Click on the + sign and select the various .png and/or .jpg images you want to use to create your PDF file.


To manage the order of the images you are merging into the new PDF file, drag and drop them from one side to the other.


Once you have added all of the images you want to include in your PDF, click on the Merge button to launch the creation of the PDF file.


You can also convert PDFs to images.

Convert from PDF to JPG >

Creating a PDF from multiple PDFS

The Expert PDF software lets you convert multiple PDF files in one go, saving you time and boosting productivity when you have a large number of files to convert on a daily basis. You can also select the pages you’d like to convert within a single PDF file.

How to use the PDF merge feature to combine multiple PDFs :

Go to the Convert tab in Expert PDF and click on the Merge button.


Click on the + sign in the Merge files to PDF window to add the different PDF files you want to merge.


In the dialogue window, set the order for the PDF files you are merging into a single PDF.


Once all of your PDFs are positioned in the right order, click on the Merge button to create your single PDF file from multiple PDFs.


You can select specific individual pages to merge in each of your PDFs.

Create and convert your PDF files in a single click

Create and convert your PDF files in a single click

Expert PDF is a professional, fully secure programme that lets you create and convert different file formats simultaneously.

This feature saves you time and boosts productivity when you have a large number of files to convert on a daily basis.

You can also select the pages you’d like to convert within a single document.

How to make an editable PDF from WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, HTML, IMAGES, and more

Thanks to its ultra user-friendly interface, the Expert PDF application lets you create and edit PDF files in a matter of clicks, using an unlimited number of documents in formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, PNG, IMAGE, HTML, RTF, CSV, TIFF, and BMP – all with zero impact on the original page layout and design.


As well as creating your PDF documents in a single click, Expert PDF 14 gives you access to a host of super useful everyday features, and lets you add extras to your documents:



The Internet is awash with online PDF converter websites that let you create PDFs online for free. A quick Google search reveals a host of different websites that let you create PDF files online, without having to install software on your computer. But it’s important to understand the risks involved in using them.

These online PDF editor solutions can be extremely risky, particularly if your documents contain sensitive material: they don’t guarantee complete confidentiality. Any document you upload to create a PDF file online could potentially be hacked, and runs the risk of ending up in the wrong hands.

5 reasons to choose Expert PDF
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Expert PDF <br>Your one-stop shop for all things PDF

Expert PDF
Your one-stop shop for all things PDF

  • Edit and change your PDFs with ease.
  • Convert PDFs into Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, and images files.
  • Create PDFs from all types of file.
  • Turn your images and documents into editable PDFs.
  • Sign your documents, invoices, and contracts using the electronic signature PDF feature.
DownloadWindows version Buy
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Configuration required Configuration required:

512 MB of RAM (1024 MB Recommended)
Intel Pentium® IV 1.6 GHz Processor
900MB of free disk space

Compatible with Compatible with:

Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit,
Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11.